onsdag 30 december 2009

The year that went by..

Just a sweet picture to remind us of 2009!
In January I bought my Olympus.

An Arkeology had a release party at Steinway Gallery Stockholm, I went there together with Sara Love on the 20th February. Great!

BUT There we were told that there wouldn't be any The Ark performances during 2009...
What!! A gray dull year ahead... But so wrong! It became a very interesting and a lot of music even if it had to be without The Ark on stag!

A passion play with music from Jesus Christ Superstar in April. I had the honor to sing and perform Herod!

During Pentecost weekend we drove from many parts of Sweden to Jönköping to listening to Ola Salo and Åsa Fång also singing among other things songs from JCS!

During the summer I went to Stockholm a few times to listening to some music.

AND then in August it was time for the performance that Per Tengstrand had hinted on already in February!

The Leider of the Pack in Helsingborg!! Ola Salo and Per Tengstrand! Fantastic! 2 unforgettable concerts the same evening ! Even with small issues about photography. So happy to have all these pictures and also pictures of a fantastic bouquet of flowers… to remind me of that evening. Even if we had to take a D-tour through Helsingbors sjukhus the next day.

Several more performances of LOTP were held and I had the fortune to go to Uppsala! But before that I went to listening to Per at the Royal Castle of Stockholm. So different!
The next performance was in October at a very interesting place! Kammaren (The camber) in Stockholm, a very small arena for Mr Tengstrand.

And that was it I thought.
But at just the next day I was told that Ola Salos Mass Lema Sabachtani was to be performed in St:a Clara Church in UN-Day 24 October and there was an opening in the choir for a soprano! I had one week to learn it and also some other songs! No words can describe what I felt! Hard and challenging but interesting and fun!

In the middle of that we got the The Ark blog and all the expectations for 2010!

And if 2009 without expectations turned out so fine what can’t we wait the next year!

Happy New Year to You All!

söndag 27 december 2009

Julafton 2009

Julafton PC244638
Originally uploaded by Majsan of Sweden
Nu är glada julen slut..
Nja tur jag har svenska traditioner och har granen kver till tjugonda knut!
Gillar att ha honom stå där så grön och grann även om den är av plast och börjar se lite sliten ut.
Jag fick den som födelsedagspresent i maj 2001!

Nästan alla presenter är tagna och öppnade men några finns kvar!

torsdag 24 december 2009

Merry Christmas & God Jul

To all My friends and readers I hope for a Great Blessing and a Very Merry Christmas!
Christ Our Lord is Born! ♥

tisdag 22 december 2009

4e Advent

4e Advent PC204589
Originally uploaded by Majsan of Sweden
I just past my Picture # 5000 on Flickr. Hope you find some you like.
They are in groups or so called Sets so they will be easier to find.

Snow and a lot more snow in Sweden.
The last time all of Sweden had a white Christmas I think they said was in 1981 !

lördag 19 december 2009

lördag 12 december 2009

Pepparkakshus bygge

Pepparkakshus PC113851
Originally uploaded by Majsan of Sweden
II had to get up in the air to get the feeling for what happened in the shop this afternoon!
Gingerbread house building!
That I'm afraid of highs but that can't get a way for a good picture! Right!
Thank you all from the vehicle program that you let me and my camera in.
Great to see pupils and teachers having fun together